Literally....fever! It was about 120 degrees outside that day! Now that I think about was hot when I brought Olivia home from the hospital. I remember her only wearing a side snap shirt and a diaper all day. It was HOT all september. So why did a play an outdoor party? I just dont know. Unless I am living ON the beach, Olivia will not be having any more outdoor partys.
The cute cake bunting is from A Pitite Soiree
Here it is! It was all held under this little awning. Notice how nobody is standing outside of the shaded area.... |
Everyone loves a taco man!! |
Awesome cake huh?? Its made by Cookies Supreme!
Cake bunting and fabric banner from A Pitite Soiree
I cannot believe my baby is ONE YEAR! Wow.
Doesn't quite know what to do yet.. |
Now she does!! :-) |
Gramma and Grandpa <3 |
Nana and Pappa <3 |
Her first rocking chair hand painted by Aunt Tina! <3 |
Besides the heat, I think the party turned out nice. Most all my friends came. they totally came to celebrate with us in the heat! Those are great friends!! And lets not forget my sister, mom and step dad! They were out there with me since the morning (it was hot then too) setting up and hanging things! There would be no way I could have had that party if they were not there.
Thank you everyone who came to celebrate with us. It means a lot. We are just so happy to have her in our life! XOXO